Safety aboard with Dover Sea Safari.
Safety has to be our number one concern and comes before any commercial decision.
The team here at Dover Sea Safari want your trip to be an enjoyable experience. We don't want you to get hurt or be put at undue risk.
It is for this reason that your trip is very dependant on the weather conditions, particularly any wind speed above 22mph and in a direction of SW or NE.
Your Skipper has many years experience of the local sea conditions and will not take the decision to cancel lightly as we know how much you will be looking forward to your Dover Sea Safari experience
The sea is a beautiful and calming environment but has its risks. We try to identify all of these risks in our working practices to ensure a safe enjoyable trip for our Dover Sea Safari clients.
All Dover Sea Safari vessels are licensed and inspected by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Dover Sea Safari vessels are licensed to operate from nominated ports.
Dover Sea Safari Skippers and Crew hold professional qualifications and undergo extensive training by the company.
Dover Sea Safari vessels undergo systematic safety checks each day prior to sailing.
The Dover Sea Safari team constantly monitor Met Office weather forecasts.
Dover Sea Safari vessels carry safety equipment well in excess of the legal requirements including a life raft.
Dover Sea Safari vessels and crew are fully insured.
Dover Sea Safari has a written safety policy which includes detailed procedures for overdue boats etc.
A Duty Manager is ashore, to monitor vessel operations whilst Dover Sea Safari vessels are at sea.
The Dover Sea Safari team will refuse boarding if you are intoxicated in any way.
Although not compulsory by law, Dover Sea Safari insist all passengers wear the life jackets provided.
We recommend that any person who suffer from back or neck complaints or who are pregnant do not take part in a sea safari experience.